
Analysis of the social impact of participative community archaeology published in JCAH

An analysis of the social impact of participating in local place-based community archaeology excavations, using feedback data from  CARE excavations in the Czech Republic, Netherlands and Poland in 2019-20 has been published in the Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage.  The review included data from 47 completed forms (20 from the Czech Republic (Vanovice and… Read more Analysis of the social impact of participative community archaeology published in JCAH


The planned programme of community test pit excavation as part of the CARE project was severely disrupted in 2020 by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. No test pit excavations were carried out at all in the Netherlands and UK, but in the Czech Republic and Poland some further test pit excavations were possible either before the… Read more CARE MSOC – OVERVIEW OF PROGRESS IN 2020

CARE MSoC – overview of progress in 2019

In 2019, a total of 61 test pits were excavated in eight rural communities in the Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland and UK as part of the CARE participative community archaeology project intended to advance knowledge of the archaeological potential and historic development of the settlements and the social impact of the activity. Overall, the results… Read more CARE MSoC – overview of progress in 2019