Czech Republic

Myslinka – test pit excavation in 2019 and 2020 – results

Seventeen test pits were excavated in Myslinka by c. 20 local people in autumn 2019 – early 2020 to an average depth of 1m, three within house plots and 14 on the village green. A total of 1,071 finds were recovered, with all dateable artefacts derived from the late seventeenth  – twentieth century. Of the… Read more Myslinka – test pit excavation in 2019 and 2020 – results

Myslinka – test pit excavation in 2019 and 2020 – Background

Myslinka is a small village c. 5 km west of Pilsen on a gentle north-facing slope above the Myslinka stream at an altitude of 360-380 m.  The village was first documented in 1239, when it became part of the large estate of the local Benedictine monastery in Kladruby. When the monastery was burnt down during… Read more Myslinka – test pit excavation in 2019 and 2020 – Background

Czech Republic – settlement research and community archaeology to date

Research into rural settlement in the Czech Republic over several decades has shown many nucleated villages which developed from the 13th century were dramatically disrupted by the Thirty Years´ War (1618-1648) and in the 20th century by post-1945 ethnic cleansing in former Sudetenland, communist collectivisation and post-1989 privatisation which has developed new forms of agro-tourism… Read more Czech Republic – settlement research and community archaeology to date